Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Do You Really Want to Change Your Life in the Coming Year?

Do you really want to change you financial landscape within the next 12 months?

Because if you do, I'm going to vow you how.

You MAY not want to read what I'm about to write because it WILL retract excuses you have. In fact, after this very simple tip, you will no longer have the ready-made excuse that perhaps you've obsolete in the past. I will strip it away like Dad rips off the warm covers on a winter morning.

The most celebrated excuses that I hear folks offer for not getting off their duffs and starting their investment careers are (1) time and (2) knowledge. (The number one unspoken excuse is panic.) For this article, I am REMOVING the time and knowledge excuses. I'll score to the panic part…briefly.

Okay, if you're unruffled reading, here goes…but I warn you. You may not like it.

Turn off the stinkin' TV!

I mean, avoid it like the plague! It's robbing you blind. To be proper, it's costing you tens of thousands of dollars per year if you are like most Americans and tune into TV or look movies for 1-3 hours a day.

What a country we are. The average American buys a TV and then that TV costs many times more than the cost of the spot per year in opportunity loss. We consume, bring it into our homes, and give it a site of prominence, and let it lift from us!

As many of you already know, I boldly say you and I can accomplish an extra $10,000-$50,000 per year on a mere 10 hours a week by rehabbing steady estate. I know this because I do it.

A minute math…let's say you gawk TV a mere 1.5 hours a day on weekdays, and sports on the weekend at 2.5 hours a day. If you give up all TV, that's 12 and a half hours a week.

In other words, you can notice a game on the weekends and tranquil have 10 hours a week to devote to a accurate estate investing career.

Let's say you are someone who is on the vulgar waste of American TV watching habits and you glance an average of 1 hour of TV a day. (Which means you probably don't glimpse sports.) In that case, turning it off means you need to invest a mere 3 hours a week. Do you have 3 hours a week if it pays $10,000-$50,000 per week?

Reality check. If you perceive football, you probably peek a college game on Saturday, a pro game on Sunday, and Monday Night football. In that case, that's a minimum of 7 hours per week of the 5-month season…gone! Many football fans survey more!

So what could you do with that time? gain the knowledge you need to inaugurate with. How many books or courses can you work through if you honestly devote 10 hours a week? Since the process of rehabbing accurate estate isn't rocket science, it's a process that must be learned, it isn't going to steal many weeks to be flush with knowledge and ready to attach a business notion into action.

There will be a few reading this that don't discover remarkable TV at all. (You are rare indeed!) request your habits and survey where you time is going. There is often time sinks that you can capitalize on by changing your habits. Do you surf the win for hours on destroy? Do you expend 2 hours a day pumping iron.

Or…oh, this one might hit halt to home…do you sleep 10-12 hours a day?

Chances are there is a diagram to eek out some hours by a relatively minor change in habits.

I can hear it already…GIVE UP TV?! That's not a minor adjustment!


Let's glimpse how distinguished TV really is to you. There are two ways to judge about this.

reach number 1:

Let's say I knock on your door and wave ten thousand dollars in front of your face. All you have to do to regain it is give me your TV for a year. Would you go for it? What if I offered you twenty stout?

reach number 2:

Let's peer at what giving up TV would mean to you.

- You wouldn't be able to talk about what happened on TV last night at the water cooler at work. I mean you could, but you would not have watched it.

- You would miss seeing first hand who beat who to a pulp on the field, or on the court.

- Shows will arrive and go, and you will have never have seem them.

Perish the conception! You'd miss stuff on TV, but the sun will continue to approach up, the Earth spins, and your financial recount gets a lot rosier!

Is the time you consume in front of the TV really worth what it's costing you? $10,000 or $20,000, or even $30,000 or more…every year?

I'll go a step further. You could halt watching all your well-liked programs and guess what, your life would be unchanged. If you did something clear with that time you spent watching them, your life will be changed for the better.

For you sports fans…Let's say "your" team wins the championship this year. Does that change your life in any scheme? Do you regain a raise? Do you go into a better house? Does it really change anything that matters? determined, you win to boom folks that they are "your" team even when they aren't and nobody on the team knows you from Adam. In fact, if "your" team wins you will probably be even more into them, expend more time watching TV, so the cost to you goes up!

I don't mean to sound like I'm on my soap box, but there are many folks who need a wake up call. Capturing TV time and using it to your financial assist is a relatively minor habit adjustment that can result is some serious financial accept. exhaust a month learning, then save a idea into action. That's how things gather changed.

My stop friends and family know that I rarely turn on my TV. Years ago, I made the commitment to exhaust my time better and since I have improved my life immensely by doing so. So, I want you to know that I am living my acquire advice. While it's accurate that I've never seen a miniature of "reality" TV, and I choose to witness my sports live, my life is quite different now! I'll never glance at TV the same again!

You can do the same. This minor habit adjustment can mean you engage the reigns of your financial future and drive it where you want to go.

I knew some of you would not like it, but there it is…the formula to free up a LOT of time and how to acquire the knowledge you need to fabricate this coming year the most suited yet. Will you do it?

Now, what about the alarm piece? This article is getting kind a bit long, but I have written a six fraction station of articles to relieve in that combat fright. I succor you to click through to my website and click on the "Nothing Held aid" newsletter. There you will fetch out how to bag the articles, or mini-course I call it, at no cost.


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