Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ready, Fire, Aim!

You probably read my headline and view, wait a cramped, isn't that backwards? Isn't it supposed to be "Ready, Aim, Fire? "

Well, a year ago I might have agreed with you. But not anymore. What changed? I did! And boy am I overjoyed I did.

Let me say you a minute chronicle. Up until last year, I was one of those people who planned everything down to the smallest detail. I guess you could say I planned things to death!

Ever heard of "analysis paralysis? "

Well I had it great time! I objective was not comfortable doing anything, especially in business, until I had done ALL my research and set all my ducks in a row. As a result, it often took a long time to score up and running with fresh ideas.

Then I experienced "Ready, Fire, Aim"

Last topple, I was first introduced to the understanding of "Ready, Fire, Aim" at a seminar where I was thrown pudgy bore into this scheme of thinking and acting. Talk about baptism by fire!

Not only did it change me, I learned something. That I could learn more and do more faster if I didn't regain caught up in overanalyzing everything. I came home enraged about adopting this modern reach to my life.

What happened?

Well, my business and I have grown more in the last eight months than either had grown in the past seven years.

I've made some mistakes, but another comical thing happened along the draw. I realized the mistakes DIDN'T end ME! In fact, I've learned more from my mistakes than from my successes.

I learned mistakes are a marvelous thing!

Suddenly everything I learned in school about NOT making mistakes objective didn't fit anymore. Mistakes don't develop you a terrible person or even an unlucky person. They effect you a smarter person!

They say Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he successfully invented the light bulb. I hope we don't have to fail that many times before we collect success, but what I do know is every mistake and every failure brings us one step closer to success.

Don't glean stuck

You may be wondering why someone who advocates planning (The 10stepmarketing™ System is ALL about creating a marketing belief for your business) is touting the virtues of "Ready, Fire, Aim," the seeming antithesis of planning.

It's because I don't want you to score stuck like I was for so many years.

earn into the game, even if you deem you're not ready

Not getting out there and into the game because you're worried you're not quite ready or might beget a mistake, IS the mistake. Don't effect it!

My advice? retract the time to acquire a marketing understanding for your business but don't gather bogged down if you level-headed have questions or uncertainty about how to market effectively. unprejudiced originate. Do the best you can and KNOW you will learn more every step of the scheme.

It's the only plan to look YOUR "magic marketing" formula

The longer you're out there actively marketing and tracking your success and your failures, the closer you'll be to finding your "magic marketing" formula.

Your "magic marketing" formula brings together exactly the proper marketing activities with the suitable marketing message and the suitable audience in the accurate state at the suitable time for YOUR business to result in stout success!

While there are some basic marketing principles that will back you bag to your magic formula quicker, nothing replaces satisfactory conventional testing and fine-tuning. After 20 years in the business, I unruffled practice it regularly. Because I know there are distinct things you can do to place yourself up for success, but at some point you unprejudiced have to go for it.

Are you stuck?

If you're stuck without a marketing belief or you'd like to learn some simple steps you can pick to place your business for marketing success, The 10stepmarketing™ System can aid. This simple system tells you exactly what you need to do, step-by-step, so you can command your "magic marketing" formula quicker. Don't pick up stuck trying to figure it out on your fill. gain serve at

Learn "Ready, Fire, Aim" the diagram I did

I can direct you how to market your business more effectively, but sometimes to accumulate fair success we also need to change ourselves. If you're committed to being healthier, happier and richer and you're willing to be pushed beyond your comfort zone to finish that, I highly recommend T. Harv Eker's Peak Potentials program. It's where I learned to live "Ready, Fire, Aim!" and I know I'll never go attend to the contrivance I old-fashioned to be. You can learn more here.

(C) Copyright 2005 Debbie LaChusa


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